Crossing Bridges

Full Name: Christopher Lynd Bridges

A complex man indeed. There are many sides and faces to Christopher. Light-hearted and gladsome more often than not especially on the outside. But deep in his mind lives many troubles and past-lives. Which can explain his elusiveness and mysterious tenancies. He is known as a great creator of massive structures with this un-matched thought-casting abilities. Structures such as the Inferior Operator Skyscraper, Hemisphere Bridge, Dream Excess Grounds, his own (Crossing Bridges) Castle, and the Dromida Planets.

His only known brother/relative Aura Lynd possess similar strengths and abilities. They are both powerful thought-casters and immortal. The big difference between the two is that Christopher never lost his memory. He still has full recollection of the Old World they came from. Dirty cityscapes and suburbia from coast to coast across all lands. It wasn’t the beautiful psychedelic land they resign in now but it was a home with friends, family, a whole life just gone. In a bittersweet turn of events he’s stranded and alone in this new world with his brother who has lost all memory of their past life. Thinking Aura will eventually get his memory back on his own and/or they might find a way home Christopher decides to not tell his brother. As time passes the days turn to months and months to years. Christopher never tells his brother because he is trying to protect him from the heartache.

They have been living in the middle hills of the Realm of Real for so long it’s all become a blur to both of them now. Even so the brothers gained stronger each day using their abilities and exploring the local lands. Adventuring into abandoned ancient-tech libraries and learning to Thought-cast more and more complex objects. Christopher would spend days at a time researching striving to have the ability create anything including life itself. After a while the brother seemed to be at ends with each-other so Aura Lynd set out on his own adventure leaving Christopher to his own devices.

Several months alone a large flash appeared and a piercing yet somewhat familiar light shined in the Shallow Woods close to Christophers ever growing garden of structures in the middle hills. He finds scientist Violet A. Foster with no memory of where she came from or how she got there just like his brother. She stays with Christopher and after several years fall in love and together create several structures and secrets scattered throughout the world.

Eventually they have Farrah (Fever Aches) & Ximen (_XPRESSWINDOW). Farrah is a thought-caster prodigy that is too powerful for their own good. Christopher warned her to never use her abilities until she was older. While Ximen was a shy dream-caster who was scared to use his powers at all. Sadly it was only a few years after their births until the untimely passing of Violet. Devastated and confused Christopher creates the Dromida system in honor of her. He then leaves Ximen to learn dream-casting with the Crescent Mountain Village & Farrah with a small tribe in the mid plains. Christopher then travels into the Second Realm with the help of the spirit guide Talplex search for Violet.